Sunday, January 14, 2007


I like the way the railing "fits" onto this canvas. Seems well placed - at least from this exact angle.

T.O. Talent

Queen Street Bell Canada Junction Box just chillin'.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Filthy Piggies

Holy crap, what a mess.
What the fuck is up with this shit?? This ain't art! It's a fucking mess. Are you retarded? Seriously??? I betchu piss your pants. I'm sorry your folks didn't teach you right from wrong, but you ain't tryin', slack mother-fucker. It's like my potty-mouth. It ain't right. Just stoopin'. Down. To you - mother fuckin', don't give a shit, litterin', pissin' on the wall little bitch-dog. Cause that's what this is. Can't even pick up your shit after you piss on the walls. Little baby can't even hold his spway can vewy well, awwww... Think twice big boy, next time, before you hit the wall, hit your fuckin' head a few times and think before you spray. Are you really contributing to the 'hood or are you the problem, fucking it up.
Now, I'm sorry for you. I hope you love one day, and get loved. Really. And I hope you come around to peace.
And reflection on your actions, and that maybe you'll think before you act. You little vandal bitches...